Atelier im Kornmesserhaus was founded in 2005, as a bead and jewelry shop in downtown Ulm, Baden-Württemberg. The house, formerly the city's granary and grain market, was built in 1544 and lovingly restored in 2004 after passing into private ownership. Parts of the original timber structure remain visible, both in the shop and the apartments above.
At the shop, we offer handmade jewelry and a wide selection of beads - made of glass, gems, shells, sterling silver, gold-plated, etc., as well as anything you might need for beading and jewelry making. Our website includes an online shop.
Schmucksets - prepackaged kits for jewelry making that include everything you need for a project: beads, thread, clasp, and instructions (so far only the crochet neclace is available in English - sorry!), excluding tools such as pliers, crochet hooks, or needles - those can be found under Schmuckzubehör. Choose from Crochet Necklace, Rope Crochet, Räupchen (little caterpillar), or our newest addition, Freya, an ancient wire weaving technique (Viking Knit) we are very excited about.
Rocailles - seed beads and bugles in red/orange/yellow, purple/pink, blue/turquoise, green/teal, brown/gold/cream, black/white. Our seed beads are made of glass, and are sold in glass tubes of appr. 8g per tube, at € 1,20 per tube unless otherwise stated.
Schmuckzubehör - pliers, needles, crochet hooks, etc.
We also offer threads, instructions for our beading techniques (without a kit), and gift certificates.
To order, simply click on the items you wish to purchase. We will get back to you within 24 hours with an invoice. Should you not hear from us within that timeframe, please contact us by e-mail. Messages have been known to get lost.
We ship internationally, but require that such orders be prepaid before shipping, and that all fees and customs charges are paid by the customer. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us: atelier@kornmesserhaus.de
Several times a year, we particiate in craft shows all over Germany. Or, should you ever be in Ulm, we offer jewelry classes here at the shop.
Have fun exploring the website, or come visit us in person! We are open Mon-Fri 10 a.m. - 6p.m., Saturdays 10a.m. - 2p.m., closed on Sundays.
Simone Gschaider
Atelier im Kornmesserhaus
Kornhausplatz 10
89073 Ulm
Most of our kits include German instructions, but our Crochet Necklace instructions are available in English.
If you wish to purchase a kit and need the English instructions, just drop us a line when ordering.
English-language instructions for our most popular jewelry technique: Learn how to crochet your own necklace, using thread and a variety of colorful beads.
Included are the basic crochet necklace, as well as two variations: necklaces made with nylon thread, and gradient colors.
3,00 €
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